Parent/Teacher Night Presentation

Dear Parents,

Communication is the backbone of a collaborative teacher/student/parent relationship.  Not only do you need to know if your child is struggling with a particular topic or concept, but you also want to know when your child is experiencing success.  Please review your child’s English assignments in the student agenda, on teacher websites and on ASPEN to monitor progress and to see how each grade was earned. I post a daily agenda on my website which is available to you. It details both what we worked on in class as well as classwork, long-term projects and assessment reminders. Study guides and assignments are available electronically on Google Classroom. It is the parent’s responsibility to monitor their child’s progress on Aspen. Grades are entered regularly and reflect your child’s current grade. A progress report will be sent at the five-week period. 

It is important to look over progress reports when they are sent because they are of a timely nature.  Please help your child by encouraging them to write down their assignments, go over study guides and classwork and make sure they are ready for class on a daily basis and encourage your child to read during their free time.

The fastest, most efficient way to communicate with us is through email. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Please allow 24 hours for a response from Monday to Friday. 

Dear Students,

Parents play a huge role in helping me to ensure that this year, you gain the skills needed to succeed in the years to come. I will contact parents if I am worried about your behavior or your progress in school. This means your parents may receive an email or phone call  from me in addition to anecdotal notes on behavior and engagement. I also contact parents when behavior or progress is outstanding! You and your parents can also go onto to ensure that we are all on the same page. Parents will receive timely communication if there are concerns with student behavior or engagement.

I look forward to a wonderful school year as we develop our English skills together, in a collaborative classroom environment!


-Mrs. Hagy, NBCT- English/Language Arts Early Adolescence, MEDL, Golden Apple Teacher
